Obligatory blogatory
I think I'm finally getting over this broad, if not deep, influenzer that's been haunting me this past week.
I was playing with some web design last night and tonight, mostly because I captured this amazing (to me, at least) digital photograph that totally lends itself to backgrounding a web page. You won't find much there in the way of content, but check out my efforts. Propers to Daddy Warlegs for suggesting I space the lines out a little more.
So I had to memorize a poem to recite in my Voice of the Actor class. I knew there were lots of poems on the internet, but I didn't know if any of them were for me? But I am a success story, and you can be to! Well, not in terms of my first recitation, I promptly forgot the bulk of the poem and had to start over and read it off the sheet, but in terms of finding a little poem I loved by wandering through the internet. It's by Philip Levine (thank you, Mr. Holt), and it's called "A Theory of Prosody". It's pretty neat. If you're at Stony Brook, you should allow me to recite it to you, because I need to do more work on it. And get over my flu. And have a better respiratory system / back musculature. Then my recitation will rule.
I had this great sense memory of Werner von Kitty sleeping on my chest all lined up to draw on during my reading, but it was all I could do get something approximating the words out, and there was no room for anything fancy like that.
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