What's black and white and green all over?

You have to get these people while their minds are open and stuff some news-papers in there.
In other news, my man at the Green Party State Committee Meeting reports that that dude from that movie is looking to be our candidate for Governor. I'm cautiously optimistic. Apparently his appeals (to the wonkish State Committee Meeting attendees, no less) were short on specific policy proposals, which is a red flag, especially when you're dealing with "celebrity" candidates. You never know if this guy is just trying to promote his bookstore/coffee house. But there may be additional candidates, so we'll see.
In New York State, the Governor's race has special signifigance for political parties. Get 50,000 votes (that number will be good until they decide it's not enough of a barrier to stifle competition) and you are formally recognized as a party for four years--without this you are at a tremendous disadvantage in that you can't put any candidates on the ballot without going through an onerous petitioning process that saps your resources like a sap on a resource tree. Also, parties are listed on every ballot in the order of their vote totals from the last gubernatorial election.
What all this means is, even if I did like putative Democratic nominee Elliot Spitzer (and I guess I'm up in the air about that), I'd be looking to move some votes for a Green for institutional purposes--even if there was a close race with a "spoiler" situation (I just vomited in my mouth), which there won't be in 2006. Which is why I want a decent candidate. Maybe Hicks is that candidate, maybe not.
I'll settle for any crazy to run against Hillary Clinton. She's a menace.
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