Tops in creepy

The creepiest thing I ever saw in Urlbany was one of these guys. He sat out front of what might have been a burger joint, or something. It was next to the Lamp Post (college meat market bar equivalent to Stony Brook's Park Bench, since renamed the Blue Moon cafe), and accross diagonally from that hippy cafe that closed down and was replaced by overpriced sammiches. The intersection of Western and Quayle, maybe?
Anyway, they had one of these guys there. Well this little tourist kiosk area, in a plaza behind the Van Gogh Museum, had more than one of them; exponentially creepy. They must hail from Europe--there's definately something a little foreign in the design. We had gone to the Van Gogh Museum on museum day, or museum weekend (I don't recall), when all museum admission is free, but of course, it turned out to be astronomically crowded, so we ended up skipping the actual museum and just chilled in this little plaza. We went back to Van Gogh on a weekday and payed the 10 euros.
I think what's really horrifying about the anthropomorphic hot dog is the sensual abandon (rosy cheeks and lip-licking pleasure) in the degree of cannibalistic self-abnegation. He's like "yeah, I'm gonna spread some sloppy condiments on my head and you tear me to pieces with your teeth".
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