Shiny wet cobblestones are for real
It's the middle of the night in Prague, it's cold and there's a drizzle. If they light up the castle at night, they don't leave it lit this late. It's really something to be walking the crooked alleyways in the dark and hear a chorus of chuchbells ringing the hour from five directions at once.
Had I a notepad, or, better, a mini tape recorder to mutter crazily into, I would regale you with all the trite expressions for the delightful time I'm having, but sadly those thoughts are gone, in Rutger Haur's words, like tears in the rain.
I tried to get into a bar on the way back to the hostel, it was closed. I've a feeling it would have been open had I tried on the first half of my stroll.
Hope I can sleep now.
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