30 March 2006

"And remember--and remember...Vote once, vote twice"

So I went out of my mind working on the Press' coverage of the elections for student government. Voting started on Monday at noon and runs until Saturday noon, and our little limited print run mini-issue just came out late tonight, meaning no one will see it until tomorrow, after 3 of the 5 days of voting are over. I'm really super discouraged and pissed off about it. I suppose it doesn't have much of a broad audience appeal beyond Stony Brook students, but you can check it out at as a big ol' 23 meg .pdf file on the website.

13 March 2006

World Baseball Classic

The WBC is awesome. But, man, Japan got robbed on that bullshit call. That easily could have been the game, and it's clear that the umpires screwed things up.

What else is pissing me off? Facebook's got an add for For News Channel. That's two strikes right there. I was kinda pysched about facebook comparative to myspace when Murdoch bought the latter.

03 March 2006


Not as cool as the apocryphal menSWEARHOUSE. But it'll do.

02 March 2006


So I just looked up the lyrics to Notwists' "One With The Freaks", which I've been listening to a lot, lately. Presuming the internet knows what it's talking about, I've had the lyrics wrong all along. I thought the line was, "Have you ever been honest-uh". I guess that extra syllable at the end there should have been my first clue that something was wrong. Apparently it's, "Have you ever been all messed up."
